F3B403A: Knowledge extraction from data

Coordinator:  Philippe LENCA   


Driven by the industrial sector and founded historically on data analysis and learning knowledge, extraction from data is a complex and interactive process. In order to supply useful knowledge from a mass of data methods and technologies of data, bases must be adapted to new constraints.In this course we examine the main algorithms of data search their strengths and their limitations. Evaluation of the quality of knowledge produced will be studied in depth, particularly in the context of non-supervised learning.

Duration: 63h



 Philippe LENCA 
 Sorin MOGA 

Educational resource

Transparents de cours.

  Year 2011/2012
Last update: 02-SEP-11
Last validation:

IMT Atlantique
Campus de Brest
Technopôle Brest-Iroise
CS 83818
29238 Brest Cedex 3

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