F2R501A: Validating protocols

Coordinator:  Ahmed BOUABDALLAH   

Duration: 20h




Educational resource

Notes de cours

Recommended reading

Serveurs WEB :
- http://vl.fmnet.info/
- http://spinroot.com

E.M. CLARKE, O. GRUMBERG & D.A. PELED - Model-checking - MIT Press - 1999
G.J. HOLZMANN - Design and Validation of Computer Protocols - Prentice-Hall - 1991
G.J. HOLZMANN - The Spin Model Checker: Primer and Reference Manual - Addison-Wesley - 2003
M.G. GOUDA - Elements of Network Protocol Design Eds. John Wiley - 1998
P. SCHNOEBELEN & all - Vérification de logiciels - Vuibert - 1999

  Year 2006/2007
Last update: 12-JUL-06
Last validation:

IMT Atlantique
Campus de Brest
Technopôle Brest-Iroise
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