F2R535 : Applications et usages du M2M

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Code analytique: EDF02R530
Responsable  : Laurent TOUTAIN
Co-responsable  : Alexander PELOV
Programmé en UVF2R530, UVDECX501

Présentation :

Machine to machine (M2M) communications, also known as Machine-type communications (MTC), are part of the ongoing evolution of the networking technologies towards the Internet of Things. The term "M2M communications" covers all aspects of the networking architectures, protocols and technologies enabling for a vast number of heterogeneous devices (e.g. sensors, actuators) to connect to one or more management systems, which may be distributed or centralized in nature.

There are multiple fundamental differences between human-type and machine-type communications, such as the characteristics of the data flows, the number of end-points, and so forth, which make it impossible to use the existing technologies and protocols as is. Thus, M2M communications are a very active field of research, development and standardization.

Smart Grid is the evolution of the Power distribution grid, and is commonly referred to as the "marriage of the Power Grid and the Internet". A big part of the technical challenges of the Smart Grid are in their essence an application of the M2M communication paradigm.

Objectifs pédagogiques :

  • Understand the Smart Grid architecture
  • Provide an example of the usage of protocols seen in other courses
  • Understand the major M2M challenges
  • Gain solid knowledge of the perspectives to M2M communications in general and networking challenges in Smart Grid in particular

Pré-requis :

Taking the F2R501D course.

Volume horaire : 12h

Contenu détaillé :

This course will tie together the networking technologies and protocols the students have already seen (e.g. IETF RPL, IETF CoAP, PLC, IEEE 802.15.4) and present the way they are used for M2M communications in the context of Smart Grid. A detailed description of the Smart Grid as a system is given. Significant emphasis is given to the industrial application of the concepts seen in this course - half of the lectures are given by invited lecturers working on M2M and/or Smart Grid companies.

Année 2016/2017
Dernière mise à jour le 08-FEB-16
Validation par le responsable de programme le

IMT Atlantique
Campus de Brest
Technopôle Brest-Iroise
CS 83818
29238 Brest Cedex 3

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