F1B402A: Radio systems in their environment

Coordinator:  Camilla KÄRNFELT   


The electromagnetic environment is an essential parameter to be taken into consideration in all industrial projects involving electronics in the same way as temperature behaviour or oscillating behaviour. This consideration should be maintained from the design stage through to the installation of the finished product. It is necessary to proportion the materials according to the environment (urban, relief, forest etc…) to ensure good quality of service of radio-electric links (to minimize BER) and also to prevent these waves from interfering with or polluting other systems. (Electromagnetic Compatibility). Indeed electromagnetic energy non-intentionally received by an electronic system may cause disturbance in its functioning or even lead to temporary or permanent functional loss.


The electromagnetic environment is an essential parameter to be taken into consideration in all industrial projects involving electronics in the same way as temperature behaviour or oscillating behaviour. This consideration should be maintained from the design stage through to the installation of the finished product. It is necessary to proportion the materials according to the environment (urban, relief, forest etc…) to ensure good quality of service of radio-electric links (to minimize BER) and also to prevent these waves from interfering with or polluting other systems. (Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC). Indeed electromagnetic energy non-intentionally received by an electronic system may cause disturbance in its functioning or even lead to temporary or permanent functional loss.

The aim of this module is therefore to understand techniques for the design of large systems, starting from the analysis of the waves and their interaction with the environment (propagation channel) going on to specification of materials(essentially antennas in terms of radiation and noise). This means acquiring significant awareness of problems of electro-magnetic interference and compatibility, a domain in full expansion at present.
To enable students to understand the world of industry and research laboratories, as well as to design a course corresponding as closely as possible to the tasks of the future engineer, there will be a visit to the Toulouse site (CNES, ALCATEL ESPACE, MATRA …). Apart from visiting satellite assembly units, a part of the course dealing with industrial problems such as production, industrialization, system exploitation, etc. will take place on the site.
Lectures designed to complement what students already know about:
- standardization and spectrum management
- EMC and associated standardization in telecom systems

Upon completion of this module students :
- will know how to integrate propagation problems while creating a system
- will have skills in antennas
- will be able to situate antenna problems within a systems context while taking into account the influence of the environment on its performance (EMC, interference, noise …)
- will have greater awareness of the issue of electromagnetic compatibility

Duration: 63h



 Rolland FLEURY 
 François GALLEE 
 Camilla KÄRNFELT 
 François LE PENNEC 
 Michel NEY 

Educational resource

Polycopiés Telecom Bretagne

Recommended reading

[1] N. Bui-Hai, "Antennes microondes : application aux faisceaux hertziens", Masson, 1978.
[2] J Lavergnat, M. Sylvain, "Propagation des ondes radioélectriques",Collection pédagogique de télécommunication Masson Paris, 1997.
[3] D.M. Pozar, DH. Schaubert, "Microstrip antennas: the analysis and design of microstrip antennas and arrays", IEEE Press.
[4] I.J. Bahl, P. Barthia, "Microstrip antennas", Artech House, 1980.

  Year 2019/2020
Last update: 11-JAN-19
Last validation:

IMT Atlantique
Campus de Brest
Technopôle Brest-Iroise
CS 83818
29238 Brest Cedex 3

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