MSC-RES101A: Networking Fundamentals

Coordinator:  Laurent TOUTAIN   


The first objective of this course is to introduce the basic network principles and mechanisms, that are illustrated through several examples. Instead of focusing on a particular solution, the course highlights the key elements that should be taken into account by a network designer or user.
The principles of the layer model, and the notions of protocols and homologous entities are therefore described.
The notions of transmission delay, error correction, and the basic principles of routing are introduced.
The exercises involved concern some of the most recent techniques (IPv6, ATM, mobile networks,...).

The second objective is to introduce Local Area Network architecture and IP Networks. We will focus more on the addressing scheme.


Acquire the notions of:
- Communication channel.
- Reference model ISO/OSI, homologous entities, vocabulary (SAP, PDU, SDU).
- Working of a protocol.
- Flow control.
- Routing: aim of routing, and notion of address.

Duration: 21h


Course 1&2:
This course introduces the basic network concepts, using simple examples. The following notions are taken up:
- datagram and connected services (and the differences between them)
- communication protocol
- message and paquet commuting
- multiplexing
An intuitive presentation is voluntarily used.

Course 3:
OSI vocabulary and concepts.
The OSI model considers 7 layers, each layer being in charge of a certain number of services. The course describes the inter-layer relations, the notions of services, of protocol between two homologous entities, and the vocabulary (SAP, PDU, SDU).
The model is compared to the working of real TCP/IP networks.

Course 4:
*HDLC link layer protocol
*Notion of layer 3 protocol: the case of X25
- adresses
- routing

Course 5&6 : Local Area Network (IEEE 802) Architecure

Course 7&8 : IP Networks



 Laurent TOUTAIN 

Educational resource

Ouvrage : Les réseaux, principes fondamentaux, P. Rolin, G. Martineau, L. Toutain, A. Leroy, ed.Hermès.

Recommended reading

X. Lagrange, D. Seret, Introduction aux réseaux, Edition Hermès 1998
L. Toutain, Réseaux Locaux et Internet, Edition Hermès 1999
F. Du Castel, Les Télécommunications
A. Tannenbaum, Réseaux Architecture, protocoles, applications, InterEditions
C. Machi et J.F. Guilbert, Téléinformatique, Edition Dunod.
D. Kofman, M. Gagnaire, Réseaux Haut Débit, InterEditions 1998

  Year 2016/2017
Last update: 04-MAY-16
Last validation:

IMT Atlantique
Campus de Brest
Technopôle Brest-Iroise
CS 83818
29238 Brest Cedex 3

Tél  +33 (0)2 29 00 11 11
Fax +33 (0)2 29 00 10 00