MSC-PRJ101A: Bibliographical study & paper writing

Coordinator:  John PUENTES   


Any engineering or research project should start by finding out what is the state of the art in the given topic. Findings are then summarized writing a structured document, to be included in the respective technical reports, dissertation, journal or conference paper.


Acquire the basic necessary skills to search, analyze and organize appropriate information, related to a specific engineering problem.

Write a summary paper and present it orally.

Work in teams formed by two students.

Duration: 15h


Lecture 1. Introduction, objectives, available bibliographical resources (electronic library, specialized search engines), strategies to identify potentially relevant works, incremental project understanding, exploration and analysis of conference and journal papers layouts.

Lecture 2. Ideas organization, document plan, ways to work the text, use of figures, equations and tables, referencing the published work of others, presentation of the bibliographical study subjects.
Bibliographical study subjects are assigned taking into account, as much as possible, multiple students’ choices.

Workshop 1. Share and discuss experiences concerning the: preliminary understanding of each project subject, description of work methods, and account of the first paper plan. Each team makes a short 5 minutes presentation of these three points.

Workshop 2. Share and discuss experiences about the: current state of the paper, points that remain to be considered and initial oral presentation plan. Each team makes a short 5 minutes presentation of these three points.

A 5 pages paper template (IEEE conference format) will be handed over, to be used as model.

Each team will make a final 15 minutes oral presentation of their work, followed by 10 minutes of questions.



Written report and oral presentation


  Year 2016/2017
Last update: 03-JUN-16
Last validation:

IMT Atlantique
Campus de Brest
Technopôle Brest-Iroise
CS 83818
29238 Brest Cedex 3

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