FCORM01A: Titre a préciser


Duration: 25h



 Thibault DE SWARTE 

Educational resource

textes et études de cas

Recommended reading

AMINTAS A. & SWARTE T. (de) (2000), « The Internet Age and the role of telecommunication operators : the case of France Telecom », International J. Technology Management, Vol. 20, Nos ½, pp.176-193.
DURREY J F., GEPPERT M., MATTEN D. (ed.), (2003), Challenges for European Management in a Global Context : Experiences from Britain and Germany, Palgrave Mc Millan.
HELFER J.-P., KALIKA M., ORSONI J. (2000), Management : stratégie et organisation, 4° éd., Vuibert.
HUAULT Isabelle, (1998), le management international, La Découverte, Paris.
KALIKA M. (2005), (éd.), Management européen et mondialisation, Dunod, Paris, 343 p.
TEN HAVE S. & TEN HAVE W. (2003), Key Management Models : the management tools and practices that will improve your business, Prentice Hall, London.

  Year 2006/2007
Last update: 10-MAR-06
Last validation:

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