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Code analytique: EDF01B403
Responsable  :    
Programmé en UVF1B403

Présentation :

With the need for ever increasing data rates in LANs, "to the desk" applications and for automobile/avionics applications, optical telecommunications techniques are being applied lower and lower down the network. However, because the hardware is no longer shared between many users and because the transmission distances involved are short, the cost/technical compromise is very different to that in long haul networks. This course presents these differences and the effect they have in shaping datacoms components, networks and protocols.
Optical, twisted pait and WiFi technologies will be compared and considered as will related spin-off applications such as in-vehicle networks and fibre sensors.

Objectifs (obsolète):

To ensure the student understands the cost issues associated with optical datacommunications and how these effect the physical layer.
To enable the student to understand the physical principles behind optical datacommunication components and systems.
To develop a knowledge of optical datacommunications standards.
To make the students aware of the major present and future applications of optical datacommunications.
To enable non-native speakers of English to be able to follow lectures in English (especially at partner universities in the UK and the US, and those given in English at ENST Bretagne) and to make presentations in English.

Pré-requis :

A reasonable level in English
Some background in ELP (physical science) type subjects

Volume horaire : 63h

Contenu détaillé :

This unit will cover components, systems and standards for optical datacommunications. The first part of the unit will cover sources for optical datacommunications - LEDs, VCSELs, self pulsating laser diodes, large spot lasers. Single and multimode optical fibres will be covered, including bandwidth considerations, building backbone specifications. Optical receivers, optical cross connects and WDM multiplexers and demultiplexers will also be described. The second part of the unit will cover optical datacommunications systems including fibre channel, FDDI, cable TV distribution. An in depth example, namely Gigabit Ethernet will be covered.
Listening and Writing skills, Recognising technical vocabulary, Writing equations, Note-taking, Recognising the stages of a discourse, Speaking skills, Pronouncing technical vocabulary, Saying equations, Organising a text (discourse markers, referencing, ...), Speaking from notes.

Année 2006/2007
Dernière mise à jour le 24-NOV-06
Validation par le responsable de programme le

IMT Atlantique
Campus de Brest
Technopôle Brest-Iroise
CS 83818
29238 Brest Cedex 3

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