UVF14B201: Transmission Systems - Fall 2017/2018

FIP 3A RT Automne
IG 2A Automne
IG 3A Automne
MR 2A SISEA-S Automne
MSC 2A CSNE Automne
MR 2A MARS Automne
When exploring a transmission system, the student will be able to specify a system dedicated to an application considering the environmental and the specifications constraints.
A significant part of the contents of this UV covers lab work and a project designed to aid the student to achieve this goal.
Location  : BREST
Coordinator  : Sylvie KEROUEDAN
Co-Coordinator  : Raphaël LE BIDAN
Credits FIP 3A RT  : 6
Credits IG 2A  : 6
Credits IG 3A  : 6
Credits MSC 2A CSNE  : 5
Dernière màj le 03-APR-18 par IE3AB
Code Intitulé
Co-resp. Etat
Date màj
Last update
F14B201A Transmission systems S.Kerouedan R.Le Bidan Validée 06-03-17

IMT Atlantique
Campus de Brest
Technopôle Brest-Iroise
CS 83818
29238 Brest Cedex 3

Tél  +33 (0)2 29 00 11 11
Fax +33 (0)2 29 00 10 00