UV2 MAJ MTS: Application in signal processing - Fall 2016/2017

IG 1A Automne
IG 2A Automne
IG 3A Automne
MSC 2A TEE Automne
Today, the transmissions of information is done from digital signals. The first two modules of this course, MTS 411 and MTS 423 are mandatory. These modules are a brief introduction to the physical-layer of digital communication systems. After following these topics, students will be able to understand, to analyse and to estimate performances of transmission systems.
In MTS 411 “Digital communication”, the student is introduced to representation of digitally modulated signals such as QPSK and QAM-M and to characterization of narrowband signals and systems. Also treated in this part are the spectral characteristics and the performance of communication systems in Gaussien channel. The characteristics of optimal demodulators are studied but they are not proved in order to limit prerequisites.
In MTS 423 “”?, the student is introduced to information theory such as compression and constraint optimization on data. The channel coding is presented to students with bloc codes and convolutional codes. The compromise between the data rate and system performances is always investigated for each method.

The second part of this course is flexible (one to two).
MTS 433 and 443 follow on to implement the methods studied in MTS 411 and 423. The tutorials represent 80% of the course. They use the Matlab software to simulate a digital communication chain and data coding.
MTS 435 and 445 are different. They make up the mathematic tools studied by students during their training. Topics include: numerical analysis, optimisation with and without constraint, random signal modelling and the game theory.

Access conditions  : UV1 Major MTS
Goals :
  • To know the principal methods of source coding and their decompression schemes
  • To validate an algorithm of statistic processing of a signal with a simulation software
  • To describe the three kinds of linear modulations and to evaluate their parameters (bit and symbol rates, occupied bandwidth and bandwidth efficiency)
  • To design and to evaluate an optimal receiver according to set constraints
  • To sum up the boundaries imposed by information theory in the design of a digital transmission system
  • To use bloc and convolutional coding, to evaluate their performance and to operate their decoding algorithms
Location  : BREST
Coordinator  : Ronan FABLET
Credits IG 1A  : 8
Credits IG 2A  : 8
Credits IG 3A  : 8
Credits MSC 2A TEE  : 8
Dernière màj le 04-MAY-16 par CURSUS
Code Intitulé
Co-resp. Etat
Date màj
Last update
MTS 411 A Digital communications C.Laot   Validée 08-02-16
MTS 423 A Information coding techniques R.Le Bidan R.Pyndiah Validée 08-02-16
MTS 433 A Signal processing and digital communications in practice D.Gueriot C.Laot Validée 08-02-16
MTS 435 A Data analysis D.Pastor T.Chonavel Validée 08-02-16
MTS 443 A multimedia G.Mercier   Validée 08-02-16
MTS 445 A Stochastic modeling and simulation T.Chonavel S.Vaton Validée 08-02-16

IMT Atlantique
Campus de Brest
Technopôle Brest-Iroise
CS 83818
29238 Brest Cedex 3

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