UVF0MBM03: UV Métiers-S5 : Preparing his career project - Fall 2016/2017

FIP 3A IR Automne
IG 2A Automne
IG 3A Automne
FIP 3A RT Automne
MSC 2A CSDS Automne
MS ISIC Automne
MR 2A MARS Automne
MS IADBA Automne
MS TWCS Automne
The goals of the "UV Métiers 3A" (3Y Career Credit) are (1) to define the expectations of the company during the [final training period] and identify/justify one's needs as regards acquiring competences, (2) to analyze and illustrate, in two training period reports, one's premiminary professional acquired knowledge in terms of competences and return on experience, (3) to valorize one's diploma and "know-how to act", (4) to establish one's mid-term career project, (5) to get ready for and succeed in one's first job offer.

At the end of the "UV Métiers 3A" (3Y Career Credit), you should be able
to (1) connect the job market with your career orientations, (2) identify legal and contractual problematics which may occur in your future career, (3) use [assertivity] and communication technics to negotiate a [final training period] in relation to your professional project, (4) valorize your competence assets (for ex. portfolio), (5) present your technical and managing experiences so as to convince during a job interview and distinguish yourself from other candidates... with the perspective of a first job.

The practicalities are (1) experienced engineer testimonies concerning career paths, (2) conferences (on business organizations, expatriation, the thesis, formulas to "work differently"), (3) ultimately, original interview exercises (video, Convince in 5 minutes, simulations on 2nd Life, 360°, assessment center, Blogspace), (4) films and [role games]. A simulated interview before a jury composed of 2 partner business professionals validates the year and substantiate the professionalization.

Access conditions  : Compulsory for everyone in Brest Campus.
Location  : BREST
Coordinator  : Nathalie CHELIN
Co-Coordinator  : Delphine KELDERMANS
Credits IG 2A  : 0
Credits IG 3A  : 0
Credits MS ISIC  : 2
Credits MS TWCS  : 0
Dernière màj le 23-FEB-17 par IE3AB
Code Intitulé
Co-resp. Etat
Date màj
Last update
FCOBM01A A préciser N.Chelin   Validée 12-01-17

IMT Atlantique
Campus de Brest
Technopôle Brest-Iroise
CS 83818
29238 Brest Cedex 3

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