UVF3B402: Agent cooperation and information systems - Fall 2006/2007

MR 2A IHM Automne
IG 3A Automne
The unit "Agent cooperation and information systems" covers the reorganization of companies around business processes to examine, on the one hand, cooperation between agents who intervene in these processes and on the other hand, the link between these agents and IS. The link between the cooperation modules studied concerns IS evolution strategies.

This unit consists in the study of models based on the process or the agents to describe the interactions between IS users. Agent models are particularly useful to represent cooperation, negotiation or distributed decision tasks, since this work may be used as specifications or recommendations for the IS itself.

The unit has three modules of about twenty hours each:

*"Socio-professional analysis of an information system" sets the context within the new forms of business administration (organization based on processes). The analysis of modifications within working modes and of the development of new information systems is conducted with a view to establishing the possibilities of cooperation and their limits.
* "Cooperative information systems" is a panorama of models based on flux to manage cooperative processes. Their formalisms are studied as well as their link with SI architectures.
* "Cooperation of distributed agents" is closer to forecasting. It presents the principles of cooperative agents models and their use in the representation of cooperative tasks of negotiation, coordination and supervision.

The aim of this unit is, therefore, to train engineers able to formally specify cooperation policies, specifically applied to organizational IS systems, while taking account of their current evolution. These engineers will be able to develop diagnoses and formalize interaction in ordar to propose IS and organizational evolution.

Location  : BREST
Coordinator  : Philippe PICOUET
Co-Coordinator  : Annie BLANDIN
Credits MR 2A IHM  : 6
Credits IG 3A  : 6
Dernière màj le 25-APR-07 par GRAVOT
Code Intitulé
Co-resp. Etat
Date màj
Last update
ISA-ASO Analyse socio-organisationelle d'un système d'information .   Validée 10-03-06
ISA-CAD Coopération d'agents distribués .   Validée 10-03-06
ISA-SIC Systèmes d'information coopératifs .   Validée 28-03-06

IMT Atlantique
Campus de Brest
Technopôle Brest-Iroise
CS 83818
29238 Brest Cedex 3

Tél  +33 (0)2 29 00 11 11
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